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Chapman not seeking re-election
Source: 'He's gotten fed up!' 

By G. M. Heller
Updated: Thursday, March 21, 2002

MONTEREY --  Selectman Fred Chapman acknowledged today that he is not seeking re-election to the selectboard this year. 

Mr. Chapman, who is in his third term and presently chairs the three-member panel, cited personal reasons for his unexpected decision.  He said he decided not to run just a few weeks ago, but that he had not yet made any formal announcement. His term expires in May.

When asked whether the decision was a long time in coming or made on the spur of the moment, Mr. Chapman said, "Somewhere in the middle."

Decision a surprise

The news of Mr. Chapman's stepping-down after nine years on the board surprised many in the town. 

A knowledgeable source said Mr. Chapman's decision was likely made for a number of reasons. "He knows things are not all well in fairyland," the source said, with a sarcastic reference to Monterey's town government. 

"He's gotten fed up!"

"So many topics of such controversiality with decisions being rendered so precipitously by others on the board," said the source who is considered a keen observer of town affairs. 

When asked how could any decision be made without all three board members voting on it, the source replied, "You would wonder about that, wouldn't you?"

'Same old, same old'

Asked whether decisions were made behind Mr. Chapman's back, the source replied, "No, but simply made in such a manner.....[pause].....I think it was simply too much 'same old, same old'  [referring to the selectboard's practice of repeatedly clinging to past, questionable ways of doing things with little regard for innovation, change, and, in the opinion of some, ethical considerations].

"And a lot of really bad behavior on the part of [fellow Selectman] Peter Brown

"Bad in the sense that he [Brown] would announce something and you either go along with it or he pouts, or does something else to embarrass you as a selectman. 

"The whole thing is just obvious to me."

"I can't see any other reason for [Mr. Chapman] to withdraw so abruptly," said the source who requested anonymity.

Town elections are set for Saturday, May 4th. 

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